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Wednesday's Word: When Life Needs a PAUSE Button


Wednesday’s Word: PAUSE

It had been what I thought was a normal childhood day, complete with school, after-school snacks, and tv with the siblings for a bit before we had some playtime before dinner. And yet, I found myself in my mom’s bedroom sobbing in her arms. I remember walking in the room, and bursting into tears. As she sat on her bed, taking me by the hand to sit on her lap, she said “Oh, Misty, what happened? What’s wrong?” Through my sobs, I managed to eeek out, the words that often came from mouth when this sort of thing happened, “I I I I….don’t knooooow!”

And, I really didn’t know. Looking back, I think I probably just let “life” build up, and every so often it would come pouring out. I wish I could say I had that under control by now. But nope; several times a year, I find myself in the arms of my husband. Sometimes I know what the tears are stemming from, and other times I still manage to eeek out the childhood, “I I I I…don’t knooooow!” 

As I was recently experiencing some painful and exhausting emotions, I did my share of crying, and then I also heard God’s still small voice inside me say….PAUSE. What could that mean, I wondered. It meant, put things aside for a bit. Take a break from the heaviness. Press PAUSE on the things reaching for me, consuming my heart and mind. And rest in Him, allowing Him to wrap me up in His arms, pouring His comfort into me through prayer, His Word, and His people. PAUSE.

Often times, our lives feel as if we are on an unending escalator; it keeps moving, while we stand still, and we watch the craziness around us. But PAUSE. We need to take the time to press PAUSE on that escalator. Hop off it. And go to a place where we can be refreshed. 

What might need pausing in our lives today? It may be a crazy schedule, one where we need to notify family that we are “checking out” for a bit. It may be social media that seems to be sucking us in and dragging us down. It may be specific people. It may be work. It may be television. The list goes on, and the answer will be different for each of us.

My challenge for each of us is two-fold. First, let’s look around and PAUSE long enough for God to speak to our hearts, showing us what parts of our lives we need to “check out” of for a bit. And secondly, once we do PAUSE, let’s allow God to minister to us. Dive into His Word. Saturate ourselves with prayer. Soak up some time with healthy people. 

The following verses spoke to me during my time of PAUSE and prayer. I hope they speak to you, as well. After doing some research on the biblical use of PAUSE, I found that many scholars agree that the Hebrew word  (used over 70 times in scripture) “Selah” means PAUSE. So it was interesting to read the chapters in Psalm that use the word PAUSE. I hope you enjoy seeing when David used Selah, and how it fits within his story. And I’ve also included additional scriptures that touch my heart when I am in need of PAUSING, resting, being refreshed. Scriptures are taken from New English Translation. 

Psalm 3:1-8 (Psalm of David when he was fleeing from his son, Absalom)

Lord, how numerous are my enemies!
Many attack me. 
Many say about me,
“God will not deliver him.” (Selah) 
But you, Lord, are a shield that protects me; 
you are my glory and the one who restores me,

To the Lord I cried out, 
and he answered me from his holy hill. (Selah)
I rested and slept;
I awoke, for the Lord protects me.
I am not afraid of the multitude of people
who attack me from all directions. 
Rise up, Lord!
Deliver me, my God!
Yes, you will strike all my enemies on the jaw;
you will break the teethof the wicked. 
The Lord delivers; 
you show favor to your people. (Selah) 

Psalm 4:8 

I will lie down and sleep peacefully,
for you, Lord, make me safe and secure, 

Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 

Misty Cramer is an author and speaker who enjoys walking alongside others in this journey we call life. Her deisre is to encourage others, as she shares the hope Jesus provides in the midst of life's darkest challenges, as well as it's brightest triumphs. If you would like to receive “Wednesday’s Word”, as well as other encouragement, you can subscribe to her website, and follow her on Instagram @mistydawncramer and Facebook, Misty Cramer, Author & Speaker. She would love to connect with you!  

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